On Thursday, November 14, from 6:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m., FEMA Region II will be hosting a Telephone Town Hall for Erie County residents to ask flood insurance and flood map-related questions. We want to ensure that residents that may have been unable to attend one of FEMA’s two public Open House meetings, held this past July, will be able to learn more about flood risk in Erie County.

The call is a great opportunity for us to address questions directly from local residents that have properties in the 1% and 0.2% annual chance floodplain.

During the Telephone Town Hall on Thursday evening, residents simply need to answer their home or mobile phones to participate and FEMA Region II Risk Analysis Branch Chief Michael Foley as well flood insurance expert Thomas Young will be available to answer questions.

We hope that this additional engagement will help communities better understand their flood risk. And for those residents that may be unable to join us on Thursday to ask questions, we would appreciate if your office would share the FEMA Flood Map Information Exchange hotline at (877) 336-2627.