Mailing Address
Recreation Advisory Board
Eden Town Hall
2795 East Church Street
Eden, New York 14057

Recreation Director
Andrew Riedel

Recreation Advisory Board

The purpose of the Town of Eden Recreation Advisory Board is to provide a forum for Eden citizen input into matters involving the Eden Parks and Recreation Department.  The Recreation Advisory Board will assist with planning and advocacy, give feedback and offer advice to the Director of the Eden Parks and Recreation Department.

Mission Statement
It is the mission of the Eden Recreation Department to provide accessible, affordable and quality leisure activities, programs and services to all residents of the Town of Eden regardless of race, income, or ability.  Also, to promote citizen involvement to develop a strong sense of community, while striving to increase the social, cultural and physical well-being of its residents and visitors.

Vision Statement
It is the vision of the Eden Recreation Department to create a happy and healthy community where residents can live, learn, work, and play.

Advisory Function
The actions of the Recreation Advisory Board shall be advisory only and shall not constitute policy of the Town and shall not be binding upon the Town Board or upon the Town.  The Town Board may adopt all or part of any recommendation of the Board, with or without changes as Town policy.

Eden Recreation Department Goals

  • Provide services to Eden residents and visitors regardless of income, race, background, and ability.
  • Effectively plan for the future needs of Eden residents.
  • Continually strive to improve existing facilities while seeking opportunities for future development.
  • Create a partnership with the Eden public and private community to improve the quality of life for all residents.
  • Continue to maintain liaisons encourage involvement with other public and private organizations to impact upon the education, health, safety and leisure needs of residents.


Executive Director: Amy Porter


    • Andrew Riedel – Chairman
    • Joe Winiecki – Vice Chairman
    • Anthony Cappola
    • Emily Hawkins
    • Kate McShea
    • Patrick Riester
    • Elizabeth Vaughan

The board consists of at least five members recommended to and then appointed by the Town Board for five-year terms.  To be eligible to serve on the board an individual:

    • Must be a citizen and electorate of the town;
    • Cannot be employed by the Town of Eden;
    • Attend a majority of the monthly Recreation Advisory Board meetings;
    • Understand and accept that Members serve without compensation.

Each Recreation Advisory Board meeting begins at 7:00pm and is located in the 2nd floor conference room of the Eden Town Hall. Meetings are open to the public.

Meeting Dates for 2024:

August 26th

November 25th




  • Provide advice to the Director of Parks & Recreation and Town Board with a broad outlook towards improving present recreational facilities and increasing utilization of the facilities by the public;
  • Serve as advocates for the citizens by conducting constructive investigation, discussion, and review;
  • Give due attention and study to recreation services as they affect the welfare of Town residents;
  • Evaluate and recommend future community needs for recreational projects and facilities;
  • Review and help modify or create individual park and facility development plans;
  • Attend hearings and provide advises on controversial issues related to Parks & Recreation;
  • Take initiative in planning for future recreation and park areas and facilities, as well as considering means of bringing present areas and facilities up to an acceptable standard;
  • Serve as a sounding board for the Director of Parks & Recreation and staff to test their plans and ideas;
  • Review and approve reports provided by the Director of Parks & Recreation on recreation programs, staffing and operations;
  • Review and recommend on the hiring of recreation staff;
  • Make recommendations about Eden Recreation programming priorities and fees;
  • Recommend policy;
  • Enable civic and service organizations to accomplish results through cooperation;
  • Encourage individuals and citizen groups to give funds, property, and manpower for the development and operation of the recreation and park facilities;
  • Generally enlist community interest in recreation and parks;
  • Communicate the needs of the public in the areas of parks and recreation to the Director of Parks & Recreation;
  • Assist staff in the preparation of park plans, site and building designs, maintenance standards, management strategies, and provisions of recreation programs and services;
  • Monitor recreation demand trends to Town of Eden citizens and integrate this information into park acquisition, development, and management programs;
  • Assist and recommend the identification of potential sites to be added to the park system, easement or rights-of-way, pedestrian trails, equestrian trails, and bikeways; assist in the planning and acquisition of designated parks, including fund raising, donations, grant assistance, public information programs, bond elections, and other appropriate activities;
  • Encourage and promote community awareness by conducting interest surveys, meetings, distribution of publicity and other materials, and other appropriate communications opportunities; and work cooperatively with Town residents, neighborhood and community organizations;
  • Develop an annual strategic plan to include recommendations to the Director of Parks & Recreation and Town Board for a capital improvement and maintenance program, along with priorities for development that will meet the near and long-term needs of the community;
  • Assist, upon request, in the development of meaningful rules and regulations for the ongoing maintenance of order, safety, and decency in park and recreation facilities and programs;
  • When deemed necessary, develop ad hoc subcommittees, with Town Board approval, to facilitate the work of the Recreation Advisory Board in specific subject areas, setting the specific charges of the subcommittees, the number of members, duration of the subcommittees, and indicate to the subcommittees that they report to them directly on all matters.