Bulk Garbage Week 8/5 – 8/9

🚮ATTENTION RESIDENTS🚮 Next week is bulk garbage week! From August 5th – 9th, no more than TWO items outside of your garbage tote are allowed. Bulk items must be outside by 6:00am the day of your pickup and they will be picked up that day or the following. Please...

Route 75 Roadwork & Detour

ATTENTION The NYS Department of Transportation will be working on a culvert project on Route 75 between Schintzius Rd and Hardt Rd beginning on Monday, August 5th. The area between 8151 Sisson Hwy and 8161 Sisson Hwy will be closed. Only local traffic will be possible...

Community Day – Thank You!

THANK YOU!! The Town of Eden Community Day was a Huge Success due to the 60+ volunteers that helped clean up yards and fields of debris and branches from the Tornado. We appreciate the support of Tree Team 716 (www.treeteam716.com) for donating their time and services...

Tornado Relief – Ways to Help

The Town of Eden is still recovering from the tornado on July 10th and there are multiple ways that you can help! The Eden Tornado Relief Fund was created to provide financial support to those who were affected by the storm. Donations are currently being accepted by...