Garbage/Recycling Update

The Town of Eden Garbage Collection Schedule is back on track after the holiday weekend and will resume as normal. Both garbage and recycling will be picked up this week for residents. Friendly reminder to please have your totes out by 6:00am the morning of your...

Bulk Week/Delayed Garbage Pick Up

ATTENTION RESIDENTS Hooray- it’s Bulk Garbage Week! Residents are allowed TWO bulk items outside of their tote. Please note that items containing freon are not allowed and nails must be removed from wood. Due to the holiday, garbage pick-up will be delayed by one day...

Swartz Field Improvements

Attention Town of Eden Community! We are seeking YOUR input on an exciting opportunity to upgrade and replace the playground at Swartz Field. Please click the link below, view the presentation, and answer the questions that follow.  Survey – Swartz Field...