National Grid Reimbursement

Customers who have experienced a National Grid US outage for 72 consecutive hours or more are eligible to request reimbursement for loss of food and/or prescription medication. Requests must be filed within 14 days of the outage. VISIT: News...

Regular Garbage Service this Week

Update: Today’s Recycling only (12-27) will NOT be picked up. It will be picked up next Tuesday. This week, Waste Management is on schedule to pick up garbage and recycling on your regular pick up day. If your garbage was not picked up last Friday, you will be...

Storm Update 12-25

Merry Christmas. The storm has moved into our area as predicted. Due to the severity of the snow and damage to other areas of the county, the driving ban remains in effects. We are hoping to lift it later this evening or tomorrow morning. Please stay home and enjoy...