Contact Information:
Eden Town Hall
Attn: Building Department
2795 East Church Street
Eden, New York 14057
(716) 992-3576
(716) 992-4131 (Fax)
Code Enforcement Officer
David Rice
Hours of Operation:
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday
Pond Permit Application
The Following is from The Eden Town Code In Regards to Ponds:
Chapter 225: Zoning
Article VI: Supplementary Regulations
§225 – 32: Supplement Use Regulations
Paragraph N: Ponds
[Added 6-13-2001 by L.L. No. 4-2001]
(1) Definitions. As used herein, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
Any man-made body of water (other than a store-bought, pre-fab type of decorative reservoir or basin), with a surface area greater than 100 square feet and/or a depth of more than 18 inches.
(2) Regulations.
(a) Exemptions. Retention or detention ponds specified, designed and/or approved as part of an approved site plan or subdivision development or otherwise mandated and/or owned by the Town of Eden are exempt from this article.
(b) General.
[1] No pond shall be constructed without a building permit issued pursuant to this article.
[2] No pond shall be constructed on any property located within the Hamlet Residential (HR), Office Business (OB), Local Business (LB), General Business (GB) or General Industrial (GI) Zoning Districts nor on a lot with a total area of less than three acres. All ponds shall meet the bulk requirements for Use Group h of the Town of Eden Table of Bulk Regulations.
[3] All ponds shall be maintained so as to assure that they do not become offensive to neighboring properties by reason of stagnation, algae, mosquito breeding and similar conditions.
[4] No pond may adversely interfere with or impede the natural flow of water nor adversely impact any floodplain or wetland area.
[5] No pond shall be constructed without site plan approval by the Eden Planning Board.
[6] All new ponds shall conform to the requirements of and be approved by the Soil Conservation Service (SCS) of the United States Department of Agriculture or its successor agency.
[7] If the SCS is not available for assistance with the pond design (or at the option of the applicant), the pond shall be designed by a licensed professional engineer. In the event the pond is designed by a licensed professional engineer, the site plan application shall be accompanied by a pond design report meeting the following requirements:
[a] Include test pit information from site (soil types, groundwater levels, etc.).
[b] Reference SCS standards.
[c] Illustrate how the pond will maintain appropriate water depths.
[d] A survey map depicting the pond and test pit locations (follow site plan requirements); illustrate any inflow or outflow piping/ditches and the location of any ditches, swales and watercourses on the site.
[e] Detail the pond components (inlet and outlet controls, side slopes, emergency spillways, etc.).
[f] Any other information required by the Planning Board.