Contact Information:
Eden Town Hall
Attn: Building Department
2795 East Church Street
Eden, New York 14057
(716) 992-3576
(716) 992-4131 (Fax)
Code Enforcement Officer
David Rice
Hours of Operation:
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday
Solar Permit
For projects meeting the eligibility criteria, this application and the following attachments will constitute the Unified Solar Permitting package.
All of the following items MUST be submitted with this application in order to obtain a Building Permit:
√ This application form, with all fields completed and bearing relevant signatures.
√ Permitting fee of $75 payable by cash, or check made out to the Town of Eden.
√ Required Construction Documents for the solar PV system type being installed, including required
PLEASE NOTE: Permit determinations will be issued within 10 calendar days upon receipt of complete and accurate applications. The municipality will provide feedback within 2-5 calendar days of receiving incomplete or inaccurate applications.
Questions about this permitting process may be directed to the Building Department at 716-992-3408.
NY State Unified Solar Permit
This information bulletin is published to guide applicants through the unified solar V permitting process for solar photovoltaic (PV) projects 25 kW in size or smaller. This bulletin provides information about submittal requirements for plan review, required fees, and inspections.
The following permits are required to install a solar PV system with a nameplate DC power output of 25 kW or less:
a) Unified Solar Permit
b) Planning review IS NOT required for solar PV installations of this size. Fire Department approval IS NOT required for solar PV installation of this size.
In order to submit a complete permit application for a new solar PV system, the applicant must include:
a) Completed Standard Permit Application form which includes confirmed eligibility for the Unified Solar
Permitting process.
b) Construction Documents, with listed attachments.
Construction Documents must be by stamped and signed by a New York State Registered Architect or New York State Licensed Professional Engineer.
The Town of Eden, through adopting the Unified Solar Permitting process, requires contractors to provide construction documents, such as the examples included in the Understanding Solar PV Permitting and Inspecting in New York State document. Should the applicant wish to submit Construction Documents in another format, ensure that the submittal includes the following information:
- Manufacturer/model number/quantity of solar PV modules and inverter(s).
- String configuration for solar PV array, clearly indicating the number of modules in series and strings in parallel (if applicable).
- Combiner boxes: Manufacturer, model number, NEMA rating.
- From array to the point of interconnection with existing (or new) electrical distribution equipment: identification of all raceways (conduit, boxes, fittings, etc.), conductors and cable assemblies, including size and type of raceways, conductors, and cable assemblies
- Sizing and location of the EGC (equipment grounding conductor).
- Sizing and location of GEC (grounding electrode conductor, if applicable).
- Disconnecting means of both AC and DC including indication of voltage, ampere, and NEMA rating.
- Interconnection type/location (supply side or load side connection)
- For supply side connections only, indication that breaker or disconnect meets or exceeds available utility fault current rating kAIC (amps interrupting capacity in thousands).
- Ratings of service entrance conductors (size insulation type AL or CU), proposed service disconnect, and overcurrent protection device for new supply side connected solar PV system (reference NEC 230.82,
230.70). - Rapid shutdown device location/method and relevant labeling.
c) For Roof Mounted Systems: A roof plan showing roof layout, solar PV panels and the following fire safety items: approximate location of roof access point, location of code-compliant access pathways, code exemptions, solar PV system fire classification, and the locations of all required labels and markings.
d) Provide construction drawings with the following information:
- The type of roof covering and the number of roof coverings installed.
- Type of roof framing, size of members, and spacing.
- Weight of panels, support locations, and method of attachment.
- Framing plan and details for any work necessary to strengthen the existing roof structure.
- Site-specific structural calculations.
e) Where an approved racking system is used, provide documentation showing manufacturer of the racking system, maximum allowable weight the system can support, attachment method to roof or ground, and product evaluation information or structural design for the rack.
Once all permits to construct the solar PV installation have been issued and the system has been installed, it must be inspected before final approval is granted for the solar PV system.
On-site inspections can be scheduled by contacting the Building Department by telephone at 716-992-3366.
Inspection requests received within business hours are typically scheduled within a day window. If the Town accepts third party inspections, the Building Department will provide a list of approved inspectors upon request.
In order to receive final approval, the following inspections are required:
Rough Inspection: It is the responsibility of the applicant to notify the Building Department before buried or concealed components are buried or concealed, and to provide safe access (including necessary climbing and fall arrest equipment) to the inspector.
The inspector will attempt, if possible, to accommodate requests for rough inspections in a timely manner.
Final Inspection: The applicant must contact the Building Department at 716-992-3366 when ready for a final inspection.
During this inspection, the inspector will review the complete installation to ensure compliance with codes and standards, as well as confirming that the installation matches the records included with the permit application. The applicant must have ready, at the time of inspection, the following materials and make them available to the inspector:
• Copies of as-built drawings and equipment specifications, if different than the materials provided with the application.
• Photographs of key hard to access equipment, including; – Example of array attachment point and flashing/sealing methods used.
– Opened rooftop enclosures, combiners, and junction boxes.
– Bonding point with premises grounding electrode system.
– Supply side connection tap method/device.
– Module and microinverter/DC optimizer nameplates
– Microinverter/DC optimizer attachment.
Eden has adopted a standardized inspection checklist, as follows.
The inspection checklist provides an overview of common points of inspection that the applicant should be prepared to show compliance. Common checks include the following:
• Number of solar PV modules and model number match plans and speilication sheets number match plans and specification sheets.
• Array conductors and components are installed in a neat and workmal-ike manner.
• Solar PV array is properly grounded.
• Electrical boxes and connection are sultable for environment.
• Array is fastened and sealed according to attachment detail.
• Conductor’s ratings and sizes match plans.
• Appropriate signs are property constructed, installed and displayed, Induding the following:
– Sign identifying PV power source system attributes at DC discomect.
– Sign identifying AC point of connection.
– Rapid shutdown device meets applicable requirements of NEC 090.12.
• Equipment ratings are consistent with the application and installed signs on the installation,
including the following:
– Inverter has a rating as high as max voltage on PV power source sign.
– DC-side overcurrent circuit protection devices (OCPDs) are DC aled at least as high as max voltage on sign.
– Inverter is rated for the site AC voltage supplied and shown on the AC point of connection sign
– OCPD connected to the AC output of the inverter is rated at leas 125% of maximum current on sign and is no larger than the maximum OCPD on the inverter listing label.
– Sum of the main OCPD and the inverter OCPD is rated for not more than 120% of the buss bar rating