Contact Information:
Eden Town Hall
Attn: Town Clerk
2795 East Church Street
Eden, New York 14057
(716) 992-3408 Option 4
(716) 992-8953 (Fax)
Eden Town Clerk
Emily Hawkins
Hours of Operation:
Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, & Fridays
8:00am - 4:00pm
8:00am - 12:00pm and 4:00pm-6:00pm
Summer Hours May through Labor Day: Fridays 8:00am-3:00pm
Hunting & Fishing Licenses
New York State Conservation Licenses may be obtained at the Town Clerk’s Office. Hunters should bring their driver’s license and either an old hunting license or a hunter education certificate when applying. Old back tags are not valid proof of eligibility. Fishing licenses are required for persons 16 years of age and older. A driver’s license or driver’s permit are eligible forms of identification. When purchasing a lifetime license for a child, the purchaser must bring a copy of the child’s birth certificate and a copy of the parent’s proof of residency. Fees vary according to license type. For more information, please visit the NYS DEC website.