Contact Information:
Eden Town Hall
2795 East Church Street
Eden, New York 14057

(716) 992-3408
(716) 992-4131 (Fax)

Town Supervisor:

Richard Ventry

Hours of Operation:

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday
8:00am - 4:00pm

8:00am - Noon

Town of Eden News & Announcements

Recreation Advisory Board meeting – Jan. 5th at 6pm

Next Recreation Advisory Board meeting is January 5th at 6pm.  Meeting will be held online only through Go To Meeting.  The agenda can be found here. 

Eden Recreation Advisory Board Meeting
Tue, Jan 5, 2021 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM (EST)

Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone.

You can also dial in using your phone.
United States: +1 (571) 317-3122

Access Code: 175-057-709

Wreath Contest Winners

The Eden Recreation’s Wreath Contest had 13 wreaths entered.  They variation of designs and materials used and final submissions were beautiful.  Employees of Town Hall, the Recreation Advisory Board and The Wreath Barn voted on the wreaths.  The winners of the natural category were Laura Scheu with 1st place and Cassidy Smith won 2nd place.  In the artificial category Lindsi Archabald and Natalia Andrews Gage tied for 1st place.  In the overall category, Becca Cerne won 1st place.  Each of the winners will receive a gift certificate for one ham or whole turkey donated by a Friend of the Eden Recreation Department. All entries can be viewed at


The Town of Eden is converting all the streetlights to LED. This project will begin today and continue until the middle of January (weather pending). After the project is complete, streetlight outages can be reported to the Supervisor’s office (992-3408 opt. 1).

Dec. 9th at 7pm – Eden Town Board Meeting

The next scheduled Town Board meeting is Wednesday, December 9, 2020 at 7pm. Click here for the updated agenda. This meeting will be held virtually only on Go To Meeting.  See the link below to access the meeting.   A public hearing for Renewal of Special Use Permits will be held at 7:30pm.

The Town of Eden is updating our police practices and procedures in compliance with the recent New York State Police Reform Bill requirements.  Our Police Reform and Reinvention Committee is looking for public comments and/or concerns regarding the police protection services in our community.  A public comment session will be available during this Eden Town Board meeting on December 9th.

You can join the meeting at  You can also dial in using your phone at 1-408-650-3123, access code 627-969-445.


December Bulk Garbage Pick up

Bulk Garbage Pickup is the week of December 8th. Only 2 items outside of your garbage tote will be picked up.

Winners of the Turkey Coloring Contest

The Eden Recreation Department is happy to announce the winners of the Mindful Coloring Turkey Contest.  The turkeys received used mediums of markers, crayons, gel pens with glitter, and colored pencils.  A wide variety of color were used in some pieces, while others focused on details in shading, natural color, color themes and outlining. Each winner will receive a $5 gift card compliments of our sponsor, Tim Horton’s of Eden.  A special thank you to our Town Clerk, Emily Hawkins for judging the beautiful designed turkeys. 

The winners in each category are: Brixton Hock – 5 & under, Alison Blasz and Millie Hock – 6 – 12 yrs old, Ava Dzubella – 13 -18 yrs old and Sandra Borowski – 19 and up.  Congratulations!

The time is now…

The time is now…

The Town of Eden had 64 new cases this past week.  That means that in the past two weeks, we have had 105 new cases.  This is over a 100% increase from the first 8 months of the pandemic combined for our town.  If you compare to other zip codes from our area, you will see we are the worst.  I have been in communication with the County and we can’t pinpoint a single reason and therefore we must consider this to be widespread.

I am urging residents to only celebrate Thanksgiving with members in their households this year.  I realize for some; this sacrifice is great.  However, this is the necessary steps we must take to help save lives.  Together we can get through this. Please continue to wear masks, wash hands, social distance and support our local businesses as best we can.

Please have a safe and as happy as you can Thanksgiving.  Remember, a vaccine is near and we must be strong a little longer.  #Edenstrong

confirmed cases 11-24-2020  jpg


Garbage Pick up for Thursday (Nov. 26) and Friday (Nov. 27)

Due to the Thanksgiving holiday Thursday’s garbage pick up will be on Friday and Friday’s regular garbage pick up will be on Saturday. 

The next bulk pickup ( allowing 2 extra items outside of your tote) will be the week of December 6th.  

Covid-19 Update: Orange Cluster Zone

Covid-19 Update: Orange Cluster Zone
Today the Town of Eden was designated an Orange Cluster Zone. This is due to the rapid increase in the Covid-19 positive cases over the past week. We are urging our residents to take these restrictions seriously to help reduce our numbers. The restrictions are listed below. Businesses that have changes or closures will go into effect Friday, November 20, 2020 and School closures will go into effect starting Monday, November 23, 2020.
Businesses that have to close under the Orange Cluster Zone include the following:
Fitness Centers and Classes
Barber Shops
Hair Salons
Tattoo or Piercing Parlors
Nail Technicians
Laser Hair Removal
All other personal care
orange zone chart

Covid-19 Update

Covid-19 Update
November, 16, 2020
In the past week, Eden’s positive Covid-19 cases increased by 41. This is a startling number and needs to be taken very seriously. The recent increase is not due to one particular source, it is widespread.
We all must work together to reduce the spread. We are asking that every Eden resident do their part and please wear your mask, wash your hands frequently and practice social distancing. Until we start to do all of these things, we believe the numbers will continue to increase.
Residents of all ages are testing positive. Please remain vigilant as many children are asymptomatic but can spread the virus. Also, many positive cases are reporting cold-like symptoms. If you are experiencing any symptoms, we urge you to stay home and recommend you get tested. Please call the Erie County Department of Health at 716-858-2929 to get information on here to get tested or visit the State website
While holidays are very special for every family, we need to use common sense when planning our Thanksgiving celebrations this year. The CDC guidelines recommend that you limit your gathering to those that reside in your household. If this is something that can’t be achieved, guests from outside the household should wear a mask when not eating. We recognize that this is not ideal, however it may save lives.

Zoning Board Meeting

Zoning Board of Appeals will be holding a virtual meeting on Thursday November 19th at 7:00pm.

The GoToMeeting link is listed below:

Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone.

You can also dial in using your phone.
(For supported devices, tap a one-touch number below to join instantly.)

United States: +1 (571) 317-3112



Rt. 62 Closure from 1st St to 2nd St starting Wednesday, Nov. 11

Good Afternoon, this is Supervisor Hartman with important information about a road closure. Starting Wednesday, November 11, 2020 Route 62 (Main Street) will be closed in the Town of Eden from First Street to Second Street for sewer work. The road will re-open nightly around 5:00pm. The work is expected to be completed Friday, November 13th. The County’s detour will be from East Church Street to Jennings to School Street in North Collings. Work will continue near the road beyond Friday but will not cause the road to be closed. Thank you and please stay safe.
Melissa M. Hartman
Eden Town Supervisor

Town Board Meeting – Thursday, November 12th



The Regular Meeting of the Eden Town Board will be held at the Eden Town Hall, 2795 East Church Street, Eden, New York at 7:00 PM on the 12th Day of November, 2020.

No Meeting will be held on November 11, 2020.

Emily Hawkins, Town Clerk

Bulk Garbage Week – Nov. 3rd-6th

This week (Nov. 3rd-6th) is bulk garbage week. Only 2 items allowed outside of your garbage totes. It is also recycling week.

Wind Gusts today (Nov. 2nd) up to 50 mph

The National Weather Service forecast for Western NY is wind gusts of up to 50 mph through midnight tonight.

Customers and Constituents that need to report an outage to their home or business should contact National Grid at 1-800-867-5222.

Customers can also receive personalized alerts by text, email, and/or phone when an outage is detected at their property by enrolling in the company’s outage alert option. To register, text REG to 64743, enter your National Grid electricity account number and select your preferred method(s) of notification. Customers also can text OUT to 64743 to report an outage.

Below is a link to our Outage Map that you can access information any time to get updates on areas impacted by outages.

Urgent Need for Drivers

Do you have a few extra hours a week?  Do you enjoy giving back to your community?

Become a volunteer driver for the Town of Eden’s senior citizens.  Use the Town’s vehicle to assist seniors with medical appointments.  Please contact the Town Hall at 992-3408 if you are interested in driving.

Exemptions for Eden Residents 65 and Older

Enhanced STAR: Owner must apply for the exemption before March 1st of the year they turn 65.  Adjusted gross income for 2019 must be less than $90,550.  No annual renewal required.

Aged Senior:  Owner must apply for the exemption before March 1st of the year they turn 65.  Adjusted gross income for 2019 must be less than $35,399.  Annual renewal is required.

For more information, please call the Assessor’s Office at 992-9135.

Senator Gallivan Honors Eden Soldier

Supervisor Hartman was honored to join Senator Gallivan in recognition of Army Captain John J. Levulis to the New York State Senate Veterans’ Hall of Fame.

October 27, 2020

For Immediate Release

Contact: Jim Ranney O: 716.656.8544 C: 716.256.9001



Senator Patrick M. Gallivan (R-C-I, Elma) is naming Army Captain John J. Levulis to the New York State Senate Veterans’ Hall of Fame.  Levulis is an Eden native who served with the 10th Mountain Division in Afghanistan.  In 2015, Captain Levulis died of injuries suffered in the crash of his military Humvee while traveling to an Army base in New Jersey.

Senator Gallivan joined members of Captain Levulis’ family and representatives of Newell Faulkner American Legion Post 880 in Eden, in announcing the honor Tuesday.

“Captain Levulis represents the best our nation has to offer,” Senator Gallivan said.  “He served with pride and distinction as an infantry platoon leader with the 10th Mountain Division at Fort Drum, was decorated for his actions in Afghanistan and gave the ultimate sacrifice in service to a grateful nation. Naming Captain Levulis to the Veterans’ Hall of Fame is not only appropriate, it will ensure that his courage and sacrifice will not be forgotten.”

“I thank Senator Gallivan for nominating John.  It is comforting to know that he is being remembered and will have his name listed with fellow veterans from across New York State,” said Julianne Viviano, Captain Levulis’ widow.

“Our family misses John very much, but we are pleased to know that his memory lives on.  We are grateful to Senator Gallivan and thankful for the outpouring of love and support we continue to receive from the community,” said Barbara Levulis, Captain Levulis’ mother.

Captain Levulis attended Eden Central High School, was a 2012 summa cum laude graduate of Niagara University and a ROTC cadet.  Levulis was assigned to the 10th Mountain Division at Fort Drum and served as an Infantry Platoon Leader in Afghanistan.  He was the recipient of numerous awards and medals, including the Bronze Star, Combat Infantry Badge, Afghanistan Campaign Medal, NATO Campaign Medal, Airborne Wings and the Meritorious Service Medal.

In May 2015, Levulis was traveling with three other Fort Drum soldiers in a military convoy en route to Fort Dix, New Jersey when their Humvee was struck by a civilian vehicle on New Jersey Turnpike.  Captain Levulis suffered serious injuries and died a few days later.  He was 25.

A foundation created in Captain Levulis’ memory provides college scholarships at Niagara University and Eden Central High School.  The foundation also supports community and veteran organizations and projects.

New York State previously designated a portion of state route 75 in the Town of Eden the “Captain John J. Levulis Memorial Highway.”

The New York State Senate Veterans’ Hall of Fame honors and recognizes outstanding veterans who have distinguished themselves in military and civilian life.  Each honoree’s photograph and biography will become part of a special on-line exhibit commemorating the contributions of these exemplary New York veterans.  The NY State Senate will introduce this year’s full slate of inductees on Veterans Day, November 11.

Early Voting

Early Voting in the Town of Eden is being held at the American Legion Post 880 only. Early Voting takes place October 24th – November 1st. It is open Monday – Friday from noon-9pm and Saturday-Sunday from noon-6pm.

Town Board meeting – October 28th at 7pm

The next scheduled Town Board meeting is October 28, 2020 at 7pm at the Eden Town Hall.  A public hearing will be held at 7:15 on the proposed Town Budget.  The meeting will also be live streamed on Go To Meeting, see below for access to the online meeting.  October 28th Agenda

** You can join us online at  You can also dial in using your phone, (646) 749-3122.   Access Code: 996-099-301


Halloween is a highly anticipated event each year for residents of all ages.  While this is not a town sponsored event, trick-or-treating is a time-honored tradition.  This year we hope to be able to have this event on October 31, 2020 from 6:00pm – 8:00pm.  Please note that the CDC guidelines consider Halloween to be high-risk.  Families will need to decide on their own if and how they would like to participate.  Below are recommendations from the CDC on how to participate safely:

Make trick-or-treating safer

  • Avoid direct contact with trick-or-treaters.
  • Give out treats outdoors, if possible.
  • Set up a station with individually bagged treats for kids to take.
  • Wash hands before handling treats.
  • Wear a mask.

Wear a mask

  • Make your cloth mask part of your costume.
  • A costume mask is not a substitute for a cloth mask.
  • Do NOT wear a costume mask over a cloth mask. It can make breathing more difficult.
  • Masks should NOT be worn by children under the age of 2 or anyone who has trouble breathing

Stay at least 6 feet away from others who do not live with you

  • Indoors and outdoors, you are more likely to get or spread COVID-19 when you are in close contact with others for a long time.

Wash your hands

  • Bring hand sanitizer with you and use it after touching objects or other people.
  • Use hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol.
  • Parents: supervise young children using hand sanitizer.
  • Wash hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds when you get home and before you eat any treats.

If CDC guidelines or State regulations change from now until Halloween, we will update you.  In the meantime, we appreciate your understanding and cooperation.

Clarksburg Bridge Closed

Clarksburg at New Oregon Road remains closed at this time due to an accident involving a propane tanker this morning.  The Clarksburg bridge will remain closed indefinitely.

Eden Central School Taxes are due October 15th

Thursday October 15, 2020 is the last day to pay Eden Central School taxes without penalty. The Town Clerk’s Office is open the following hours:
Tuesday 8am-4pm
Wednesday 8am-12pm and 4pm-6pm
Thursday 8am-6pm

Payments by check can be left in the locked drop box at either entrance to Eden Town Hall.

If you have any questions or have not received your bill please call 716-992-3408 Option 4

Thank you,
Emily Hawkins, Collector of Taxes

BRUSH PICKUP **** October 5TH

BRUSH PICK UP – Brush to be curbside by 7AM Monday,  October 5th!

***REMEMBER *** 

NO Logs larger than 6″ Diameter

NO Branches larger than 6″ Diameter

Bonus Bulk Garbage Pickup – Week of October 4th

This year your garbage tax included two bonus bulk garbage pickups during the week of June 1st and October 4thDuring those weeks ONLY, you are allowed to place up to 10 items outside of your tote for pickup.  Bulk waste and white goods will be collected separately (in a separate truck) from your household waste and recycling.  Bulk pickup occurs on your service day or the day following your service day.

Guidelines to follow:

  • Carpeting must be rolled in lengths of 4 feet or less, taped securely, and no wider than 18 inches.
  • Large items must be of size that can easily be handled by two employees.
  • Additional acceptable items include small furniture, bedding and mattresses (any size), hot water tanks, and large appliances.
  • Any item, such as a weed trimmer or small lawnmower, with an engine requiring oil and gas must have those liquids removed prior to collection.
  • Refrigerators, freezers and air conditioners must have refrigerant (freon) removed by a certified technician and the unit stickered as ‘Freon removed” with the doors removed from refrigerators and freezers.  

Eden Town Board meeting – September 23rd at 7pm

The September 23, 2020 Town Board Meeting will be held at the Town Hall at 7pm.  The meeting will also be available online via Go To Meeting. Information can be found below to call in/attend the meeting. The agenda can be found here.  

Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone at  You can also dial in using your phone.  United States: +1 (571) 317-3112       Access Code: 246-003-509


Garbage Updates for week of Sept. 8th – bulk and recycling pickup

Garbage Updates
There is no delay in garbage pickup this week!
This week (September 8th-11th) is Bulk Garbage Week. You may place up to two items outside of your tote. One of them can be an appliance (white good).  A mattress and box spring count as one item. Please have them out on your garbage day. Please know the bulk garbage may not get picked up until the next day. If you have any issues, please call the Supervisor’s Office 992-3408 opt. 1.
Recycling Week is also this week!  
Visit for more information about recycling and bulk pickup.


BRUSH PICK UP – Brush to be curbside by 7AM Tuesday September 8th!

***REMEMBER *** 

NO Logs larger than 6″ Diameter

NO Branches larger than 6″ Diameter

Honoring Eden’s Police Chief and Lieutenant

felschow and mccarthy presentations

The Town of Eden along with Congressman Jacobs, Legislator Mills and Mitch Martin from Senator Gallivan’s office had the opportunity to honor Eden’s longtime Police Chief and Lieutenant, Michael Felschow and John McCarthy respectively.  Chief Felschow has been serving the town for 46 years and has been Chief for the past 11.  He was presented the “Key to the Town” at the Town Board Meeting last Wednesday, August 12, 2020.  Lieutenant McCarthy has been with the Eden Police Department for just over 40 years.  The last 14 years he has served as Lieutenant.  Both men were given proclamations by the Town, United States Congress, New York State Senate and Erie County Legislature.  We thank both men for their commitment and dedication to the Town of Eden and wish them well in their retirement.

Pictured (left to right): Mitch Martin (from Senator Gallivan’s office), Congressman Chris Jacobs, Councilman Byrnes, Councilwoman Wilhelm, Councilman Sam, Chief Michael Felschow, Lieutenant John McCarthy, Supervisor Hartman, Councilman Ventry and Legislator John Mills.

Increased Covid-19 cases

Press Release

Town of Eden

August 12, 2020

Increased COVID–19 cases in Town of Eden

For Immediate Release:

The Town of Eden has been in contact with the Deputy County Executive’s Office as well as the Erie County Department of Health.  We learned last night that over the past 48 hours, there have been 38 new Covid-19 cases reported in the Town of Eden.  This is related to a single source and all contract tracing has been conducted. Individuals with a positive test result have been placed in isolation and close contacts are under quarantine.  We have been assured that the risk to our residents is low relating to this particular incident. Anyone who has further questions can contact Kara Kane with the Erie County Department of Health at 716-858-4941.

Please let this be a reminder that this pandemic is not over.  We urge all of our residents to continue to practice safe social distancing and to wear face coverings when in public or at social settings that a 6-foot distance cannot be achieved.

Eden Town Board meeting – August 12th at 7pm

The August 12, 2020 Town Board Meeting will be held at the Town Hall at 7pm.  The meeting will also be available online via Go To Meeting. Information can be found below to call in/attend the meeting. The  UPDATED agenda can be found here.  Public hearings are scheduled for the Proposed Local Law 2-2020 at 7:30pm and the Signage Code at 7:45pm.

Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone. You can also dial in using your phone.  United States: +1 (872) 240-3212       Access Code: 406-311-653


Hunting Licenses

The 2020-21 hunting licenses & deer management permits will go on sale beginning August 10, 2020, at the Town Clerk’s Office, during normal business hours.

The chances of receiving DMP’s remain the same throughout the entire application period, which runs from August 10 through October 1, 2020.

Bulk Garbage Week: August 4th – 7th

Bulk Garbage Week:
Next week (August 4th-7th) is bulk garbage week. You may place up to two items outside of your tote. One of them can be an appliance (white good). A mattress and boxspring count as one item. Please have them out on your garbage day. Please know the bulk garbage may not get picked up until the next day. If you have any issues, please call the Supervisor’s Office 992-3408 opt. 1.

New York Main Street Grant

The Town of Eden was excited to present Castle Redevelopment Group with their portion of the New York Main Street grant.  This grant helps support the revitalization of Main Streets across New York state.  Caste Redevelopment Group was able to improve retail space along with two apartments.  The site was originally deemed unsafe.  With the vision and financial commitment of Anthony Sinicki and his business partner, John Migliore, they were able to save the building and help revitalize Main Street.

castle redev group

2020 Census

If you have not completed the 2020 Census, please respond at

Why is the census so important? The results are used to determine how much funding local communities receive for key public services and how many seats each state gets in Congress. State and local officials also use census counts to draw boundaries for congressional, state legislative, and school districts.

Town Pool

The Town pool will remain closed for the summer due to health concerns related to Covid-19.

Mixed Use Design Standards Public hearing



Pursuant to resolution of the Town Board of the Town of Eden, New York, notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be held by the Eden Town Board in the Eden Town Hall, 2795 East Church Street, Eden, New York on the 8th day of July, 2020 at 7:30 P.M. Local Time, for the purpose of considering the proposed amendment to the Town of Eden Zoning Law to establish new Mixed-Use Zoning Districts and Design Standards. The design standards can be reviewed on the Town’s website, or are available in the Town Clerk’s Office by appointment. All interested parties will be given an opportunity to be heard.

Eden Town Board meeting – July 8th at 7pm

The July 8, 2020 Town Board Meeting will be held at the Town Hall at 7pm.  The meeting will also be available online via GoToMeeting. Information can be found below to call in/attend the meeting. The  updated agenda can be found here.  A public hearing is scheduled for the Mixed Use Design Standards at 7:30pm.

Eden Town Board Meeting – July 8, 2020 @ 7:00pm
Wed, Jul 8, 2020 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM (EDT)

Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone.

You can also dial in using your phone. 
United States: +1 (408) 650-3123

Access Code: 190-592-653

Garbage Update

Garbage update:
This week (week of June 29th) is Recycling week.

Next week (week of July 6th) is Bulk Garbage week. Reminder: Bulk Garbage week is always the first full week of the month and is the only time you are allowed items (2 items) outside of your garbage tote.

Senior Parade – June 23rd at 7:00pm

Good Evening, this is Supervisor Hartman calling in regards to the Eden Senior Parade taking place tomorrow night.  Starting at 7:00pm on Tuesday, June 23, 2020, Main Street will be closed from the corner of East Church Street to Schoolview and Schoolview to Jennings for about 20 minutes.  Jennings Rd can be used as an alternative route during this time. We hope you can help celebrate our graduates by coming out and supporting Eden’s graduating Class of 2020. Residents can line up along the parade route to cheer them on. We ask that you please maintain proper social distancing or wear a facial covering where distancing cannot be achieved. Congratulations to the Eden Class of 2020. Thank you and have a great night.

June 24th – 10AM – Eden Town Board meeting

The June 24, 2020 Town Board Meeting will be held online via GoToMeeting. Information can be found below to call in/attend the meeting. This meeting will begin at 10:00 AM. If you have any questions for the Town Board, please e-mail the Town’s Supervisor’s office ( by Tuesday, June 23rd and the board will attempt to answer them during their meeting. The  agenda can be found here.


Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone.

You can also dial in using your phone.
United States: +1 (669) 224-3412

Access Code: 188-006-445

New to GoToMeeting? Get the app now and be ready when your first meeting starts:

Need a Fishing License?

Need to renew your fishing license? The Town Clerk’s Office is ready to help you. Call 992-3408 option 4 to make an appointment to renew!

2020 High School Seniors Parade – Tuesday, June 23, 2020

2020 High School Seniors Parade – Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Join us to cheer on our Eden High School Seniors as they parade from the Town Hall, down Main Street and up Schoolview.  Show your support by safely lining up (social distance please) along the route to wave and cheer.  We are excited that our some of our Emergency Responders will also be joining in on the fun.  Parade starts at 7pm.

Note to Seniors: Meet at the Town Hall parking lot at 6:30pm.  Come in a car, pickup truck (keep groups to less than 10) or other vehicle.  We encourage a parent or other adult to drive so the seniors can enjoy the moment. If you wish to decorate your vehicle, please have it ready when you arrive in the parking lot.  You are to remain in your vehicle at all times.  Feel free to bring small pieces of candy to throw during the parade.

Primary Voting and Special Election

Primary Voting and Special Election to fill a vacancy in Congressional District 27

The Early Voting period will be June 13, 2020 – June 21, 2020.  The polls will be located at the American Legion Post 800 at 2912 Legion Drive, Eden for Early Voting only.  The polls will be open Monday – Friday, noon – 9pm and Saturday – Sunday, noon – 6pm.

Primary Voting/ Special Election Day will be June 23, 2020.  The polls will be located at their usual locations (East Eden Fire Hall, Eden Town Hall and Eden Middle/High School) and open 6am – 9pm.  Please check your voter registration card for you polling location.

June 10th – 10AM – Eden Town Board meeting

The June 10, 2020 Town Board Meeting will be held online via GoToMeeting. Information can be found below to call in/attend the meeting. This meeting will begin at 10:00 AM. If you have any questions for the Town Board, please e-mail the Town’s Supervisor’s office ( by Tuesday, June 9th and the board will attempt to answer them during their meeting. The  agenda can be found here.  A copy of the Mixed Use Standards can be found at

Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone.

You can also dial in using your phone.
United States: +1 (646) 749-3122

Access Code: 766-465-573

New to GoToMeeting? Get the app now and be ready when your first meeting starts:


Town Hall continues to be open by appointment only

Town Hall is open by appointment only.  Please call 992-3408 to make an appointment.  Appointments are available on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday from 8am-4pm and Wednesday 8am-12pm.

If you have an appointment please enter through the Police entrance and you must wear a face covering.

Phase 2

We are expecting Western NY will be able to move into Phase 2 reopening tomorrow, Tuesday, June 2, 2020.  Below is a link that will give information on what businesses and industries will be allowed to open during this phase.  We still remain in NY Pause and ask that everyone continue to practice safe social distancing along with wearing proper face coverings when 6-feet distance cannot happen.  The fact that we are able to continue to move through phases, shows that we are doing a great job keeping the virus at bay.  If we continue to move in this direction, Phase 3 will be expected to begin on Tuesday June 16, 2020.  We encourage all businesses to visit the link below for guidance on their reopening plans.  All businesses will be required to have a plan and sign an affirmation to the state that the plan is completed and available to your employees and the public.

Garbage service for week of June 1st

Week of June 1st Garbage Service:
Regular garbage, recycling and bulk pickup

This year your garbage tax included two bonus bulk garbage pickups during the week of June 1st and October 4thDuring those weeks ONLY, you are allowed to place up to 10 items outside of your tote for pickup.  Bulk waste and white goods will be collected separately (in a separate truck) from your household waste and recycling.  Bulk pickup occurs on your service day or the day following your service day.

Guidelines to follow:

  • Carpeting must be rolled in lengths of 4 feet or less, taped securely, and no wider than 18 inches.
  • Large items must be of size that can easily be handled by two employees.
  • Additional acceptable items include small furniture, bedding and mattresses (any size), hot water tanks, and large appliances.
  • Any item, such as a weed trimmer or small lawnmower, with an engine requiring oil and gas must have those liquids removed prior to collection.
  • Refrigerators, freezers and air conditioners must have refrigerant (freon) removed by a certified technician and the unit stickered as ‘Freon removed” with the doors removed from refrigerators and freezers.  
  • No Televisions or computers
  • No Tires

Brightening the Town of Eden

As part of the New York State Main Street Grant, the Town of Eden was able to improve our streetscape by adding a few additions around town this year.  With the help of the Eden Community Foundation, we were able to double our grant funding from $15,000 to $30,000 giving an even greater enhancement to our downtown area.  Through the efforts of the Eden Community Foundation, the Eden Garden Study Club, and the Town of Eden, we were able to replace all hanging baskets and ground containers allowing us to use a greater variety of flowers.  Thank you to our local farmers, Agles, Henrys, and Zittels for storing the flowers. We have more improvements on the way, we look forward to sharing them soon.  While we are in difficult times, one thing will always remain the same, our community coming together to brighten the Town of Eden.  Thank you to all who assisted.

hanging basket flower box

NY Forward Loan Fund

The NY Forward Loan Fund (NYFLF), announced on Friday by Governor Andrew M. Cuomo, will begin accepting pre-applications today.  The $100 million fund is a new economic recovery loan program aimed at supporting New York State small businesses, nonprofits and small landlords as they reopen after the COVID-19 outbreak and NYS on PAUSE.

The NYFLF targets the state’s small businesses with 20 or fewer full-time equivalent (FTE) employees (90% of all businesses), nonprofits and small landlords that have seen a loss of rental income.  The NYFLF is specifically timed to support businesses and organizations as they proceed to reopen and have upfront expenses to comply with guidelines (e.g., inventory, marketing, refitting for new social distancing guidelines) under the New York Forward Plan.

Priority will be given to industries that have been reopened. Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis as regions and industries reopen, and seek to target:

  • Small businesses and nonprofits employing 20 or fewer full-time equivalent (FTE) employees;
  • Small businesses that have gross revenues of less than $3 million per year;
  • Nonprofits that provide direct services and have an annual operating budget of less than $3 million per year; and
  • Businesses that have not received a loan from either SBA Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) or SBA Economic Injury Disaster Loan (EIDL) for COVID-19 in 2020.

The program is not a first-come, first-served loan program.  Program information can be found on ESD’s website (, as well as on the pre-application page (


Mask Distribution – May 26th 10am-2pm outside the Eden Town Hall

This week Erie County distributed one-time use surgical masks to all towns and villages.  The Town of Eden was given enough for about half our population.  We would like these to get to our vulnerable and at-need residents.  If you are in need of a mask, they will be distributed outside of the Eden Town Hall on May 26th from 10am-2pm.

Memorial Day

Due to the COVID – 19 Pandemic Memorial Day Ceremonies in the Town of Eden have been cancelled.  This includes the Memorial Day Parade and Ceremony at the Evergreen Cemetery.

In solidarity with all Towns in Erie County, the Town of Eden churches along with both fire halls will ring their bells in remembrance of our fallen heroes at 9:00am on Memorial Day, Monday, May 25, 2020.

Newell Faulkner American Legion Post 880 Honor Guard will follow the ringing of the bells with a 21-gun salute and taps at St. Mary’s Church in East Eden and at 10:00am at the Evergreen Cemetery in the Field of Honor.  Residents may join the ceremonies but we ask that you follow proper social distancing and not gather after the ceremony.

“As we set today aside to honor and thank our veterans, let us be mindful that we should do this every day of the year and not just one.” –Beth Pennington

Eden Corn Festival Cancellation

Press Release:
57th Annual Eden Corn Festival Cancellation
The Eden Corn Festival Board of Directors have made the difficult decision to officially cancel
the 57th Annual Eden Corn Festival scheduled for August 6th–9th.
Much consideration was given to every aspect of the Festival. With many months of planning
already into the event, it was decided that the event could not commence this year due to all the
uncertainties with the current COVID-19 pandemic.
The Board felt it would be too much of a financial strain to attempt to put on the Festival and
comply with all State, County, and Local “Social Distancing” requirements due to the
unpredictability of the ever changing criteria associated with the pandemic. The Health and
Safety of our committee members, volunteers, sponsors, employees, and patrons is of the
utmost importance to the Board.
Our thoughts go out to the many dedicated volunteers, organizations, businesses, and
employees, that benefit financially from the Festival. Lets hope 2021 bring us better times.
The tentative dates for the 2021 Festival are August 5th – 8th.
Eden Corn Festival Board of Directors
Media Inquiries:
Contact Jeff Winter

Bonus Bulk Garbage Pickup – Week of June 1st

This year your garbage tax included two bonus bulk garbage pickups during the week of June 1st and October 4thDuring those weeks ONLY, you are allowed to place up to 10 items outside of your tote for pickup.  Bulk waste and white goods will be collected separately (in a separate truck) from your household waste and recycling.  Bulk pickup occurs on your service day or the day following your service day.

Guidelines to follow:

  • Carpeting must be rolled in lengths of 4 feet or less, taped securely, and no wider than 18 inches.
  • Large items must be of size that can easily be handled by two employees.
  • Additional acceptable items include small furniture, bedding and mattresses (any size), hot water tanks, and large appliances.
  • Any item, such as a weed trimmer or small lawnmower, with an engine requiring oil and gas must have those liquids removed prior to collection.
  • Refrigerators, freezers and air conditioners must have refrigerant (freon) removed by a certified technician and the unit stickered as ‘Freon removed” with the doors removed from refrigerators and freezers.  


This week Erie County distributed one-time use surgical masks to all towns and villages.  The Town of Eden was given enough for about half our population.  We would like these to get to our vulnerable and at-need residents.  If you are in need of a mask, they will be distributed outside of the Town Hall on May 26th from 10am-2pm.  The masks are also available for pickup at the Town Hall, May 18th-May 22nd and May 26th-29th from 10am -2pm.  Please call 992-3408 when you are in the parking lot and we will bring a mask out to you.  Only 1 mask per resident in your household. 

Summer Recreation Camps

It is with great sadness that the Town of Eden is cancelling Summer Recreation Camps for the year 2020.  This includes day camps, mini camps, and swimming lessons.  Given the challenge of an undetermined opening timeline, safety requirements for both children and staff, and significant financial uncertainty, we have made the difficult decision to close.  Our seasonal employees and participating families need adequate time to make alternate plans for the summer. Other recreational programs are still being evaluated.  We will continue consideration of these as we work through phases set forth for reopening.

We recognize how this may put a great burden on families who rely on Eden’s summer recreation camp as a low-cost program for their children.  This decision was not made lightly.  We must put the safety of our community first.  Please do not hesitate to contact the Supervisor’s office with any needs you may have.

Sisson Highway garbage pickup

If you live on Sisson Higway between Hardt Road and Schintzius Road….Waste Management will pick up your garbage tomorrow due to the road closure.

Legal Notice



Pursuant to 6 NYCRR 617.8 (d), notice is hereby given that the public is being given an opportunity to provide written comments on a Draft Scoping Document submitted by applicant, NEXAMP SOLAR, LLC, for a 5.16 Megawatts (DC) solar energy project proposed to be located on approximately 21 acres of land at 7501 Sisson Highway in the Town of Eden, County of Erie, State of New York.

A copy of the applicant’s Draft Scoping Document is available for review on the Town of Eden’s website (  All comments on the Draft Scoping Document must be in writing and must be received by 5:00 p.m. local time on Monday, June 1, 2020 in order to be considered.

All such comments shall be mailed to Town of Eden, Attn. Jen Crowe, 2795 East Church St., Eden, NY 14057 or may be emailed to

Dated:  May 11, 2020



Town Hall – Open by Appointment ONLY starting May 11th

Starting May 11, 2020, the Town of Eden, including all departments except Court will be open to the public by appointment only from 10:00am – 2:00pm Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and 10:00am – 12:00pm on Wednesday. Please call 992-3408 to make an appointment.   Anyone entering any Town building will be required to wear a facial covering.

May 13th – 10AM – Eden Town Board meeting – Updated agenda


The May 13, 2020 Town Board Meeting will be held online via GoToMeeting. Information can be found below to call in/attend the meeting. This meeting will begin at 10:00 AM. If you have any questions for the Town Board, please e-mail the Town’s Supervisor’s office ( by Tuesday, May 12th and the board will attempt to answer them during their meeting. The May 13, 2020 updated agenda can be found here. 

Please join the meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone.

You can also dial in using your phone.
United States: +1 (872) 240-3212

Access Code: 550-071-317

Hometown Heroes Banners

The Hometown Heroes Banners will be going up very soon.  During this pandemic we have realized all of the heroes in our daily lives.  We are honored to be able to present a new year of Eden’s finest.  Unfortunately, we will be unable to hold our regular Memorial Day Services this year, please take a moment to remember those that have made the ultimate sacrifice.

Mr. Muck - hometown hero

Pictured here is Phil Muck and his wife Martha as he is surprised with his banner.  The smile on his face says it all.  Thank you to Karen Ferguson from the Women’s Auxiliary and the Newell-Faulkner American Legion for their continued support and work for this program.  Also, a special thank you to the Captain John J. Levulis Memorial Foundation for their support of this program.